Burkina Faso

   The unique aspect of Burkina Faso is that it is the most peaceful country in West Africa. This is the reason for many tourists visiting the country and staying for as long as they wish. Burkina Faso is a West African state. It neighbors Niger, Mali, Togo, Ghana, Benin, and the Cote d’Ivoire. It is a nice destination for wildlife, rich African culture, and music. Burkina Faso is considered the center of music in Africa. It features most of the music festivals attendee by Africans all over the content. Its capital city of Ouagadougou is located in the central part of the country’s territory within the Mossi Plateau. The country is moderately modern in that it is still a developing country.
There are four means of traveling into Burkina Faso. The Ouagadougou International Airport acts as the destination for flights between Burkina Faso and other countries. People in Abidjan, Casablanca, Brussels, Dakar, Paris-France, Niamey, New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco can use direct flight services into Burkina Faso. Airlines that offer these direct flights are Air France, Brussels Airlines, Air Algerie, Air Burkina (the national carrier), Air Ivoire, Ghana Airways, Air Marc, and Point Afrique. Tran transport is available between Abidjan and Ouagadougou, and between Bouake and Banfora. If you opt to use a car to travel into Burkina Faso from neighboring countries, then you can use the major international road networks connecting the major cities of the counties to the capital city of Ouagadougou. The roads are well maintained. Ghana, Benin, and Mali are also connected by public bus transport to Burkina Faso.
Burkina Faso has a wide choice of accommodation facilities. These include holiday apartments and luxury hotels. For the luxurious class of hotels, each hotel has a bar-restaurant and their rooms are equipped with the basics; a bed, bedding’s, and washroom; and the luxuries of both a cable and satellite television. Affordable, low-cost hotels are found even in the cities and some rural areas, and they are excellent at meeting the basic standards for an accommodation hotel.
When you enter into Burkina Faso, expect to find new dishes that are well designed the local way. The cuisine is mostly vegetarian, but you will still find chicken-served dishes and other forms of eatable meat. Plantains like the leaves of baobabs and peanuts dishes make the local cuisine unique in the West Africa. One of the unique dishes is the Beignets, which consists of bean flour that is fried. Botswana’s locally made beer is Dolo, which is based on millet.
Burkina Faso is popular for its specialization in art. Artistic galleries are one of the major attractions in Burkina Faso. Laongo is one of the galleries that houses delightful designs of sculptures formed by many local artists and some foreign artists. If you are lucky, you can fall into one of the continental or international music festivals held in Burkina Faso.
One of the festivals is the International Festival of Hip Hop Culture held in October. This festival features hip-hop performances for two weeks by their respective hip-hop artists. Other festivals are the Jazz Festival held every April or May, the Arts and Masks Festival every March of a non-leap year, the Pan-African Film Festival every February or March, and the National Culture Week of every March or April in Bobo.

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